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음악/분위기 있는 팝송107

To Live Without Your Love/Monika Martin ~~~하얀 손수건 Monika Martin Monika Martin(1962년생)은 오스트리아에서 태어나 독일에서 활동하는 가수로 독일에서는 서정적인 국민 가수라는 칭호를 받을 정도로 유명하며, 1986년~1992년 그룹 Heartbreakes의 멤버였고, 1990년 1집 "Dafuer Dank Ich Dir, 1996년 솔로1집 "La luna blu"와 2007년 Aloha Blue 등이 있다. 그녀가 부르는 .. 2016. 5. 6.
Amazing Grace Amazing Grace Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That sav’d a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear, The hour I first believed! Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and .. 2015. 4. 14.
Only Time / Enya Bhraonáin Only Time / Enya Bhraonáin Who can say 누가 말해 줄 수 있는가 Where the road goes 길이 어디로 향하는지 Where the day flows 날들이 어디로 흐르는지 Only time 단지 시간만이 And who can say 그리고 누가 말해 줄 수 있는가 If your love grows as your heart chose 너의 맘이 선택한 대로 너의 사랑이 자라는지 Only time .. 2015. 3. 29.
Nana Mouskouri - Plaisir d'amour Nana Mouskouri - Plaisir d'amour 나나 무스쿠리 - 사랑의 기쁨 Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment 사랑의 기쁨은 잠시 한순간뿐 Chagrin d'amour dure toute la vie 사랑의 슬픔은 일생 지속합니다 Tu m'a quitte pour la belle Sylvie 당신은 냉정한 실비아를 위해 날 떠나갔습니다 Elle me quitte et prend un autre amant 하지만 그녀.. 2015. 3. 27.
Again/Janet Jackson Again/Janet Jackson I heard from a friend today. And she said you were in town Suddenly the memories came back to me In my mind How can I be strong I've asked myself Time and time I've said That I'll never fall in love with you again A wounded heart you gave My soul you took away Good intentions you had many I know you did I come from a place that hurt And God knows how I've c.. 2015. 3. 20.
Hung Up/ Madonna Hung Up/ Madonna Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly Time goes by so slowly 시간은 정말 천천히 흘러가 Every little thing that you say or do 네가 말하거나 했던 모든 사소한 일들 I'm hung up I'm hung up on you 난 지쳤지, 너 때문에 지쳤지 Waiting for your call 네가.. 2015. 3. 20.
분위기 있는 팝송 100곡 모음 분위기 있는 팝송 100곡 모음(포크송 간간이 넣었어요) amarantine/enya anything that's part of you/Elvis Presley 사랑과 영혼 주제곡 (unchained melody)/Righteous_Brothers Stay_with_me_till_the_morning/Dana_Winner 스카이브로의 추억/박인희 The_Sound_of_Music_Tribute/Lady_Gaga Top of the world/Carpenters You are not alone/Michael Jackson Million .. 2015. 3. 19.
Imagine/John Lennon Imagine/John Lennon Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today 천국이 없다고 상상해보세요 당신이 노력하면 어렵지 않아요 머리 위엔 오직 하늘만 있을 뿐 발아래 지옥은 없습니다 모든 사람을 상상해보세요 이 순간만을 위해 산다고 Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace 국가가 없다고 상상해 보세요 그것도 어렵지 않.. 2015. 3. 12.
You Call It Love / Karoline Kruger You Call It Love You call it love There are things I need to say about the way I feel when your arms are all around me 당신이 사랑이라 부르는 그것 당신이 나를 감싸 안을 때 내가 어떤 감정을 느끼는 지 말해주고 싶어요 You call it love Words I'd heard that sound so fine Meaningless each time till you came and found me 당신을 그걸 사랑.. 2015. 3. 11.
Un-Break My Heart - Toni Braxton Un-Break My Heart - Toni Braxton Don't leave me in all this pain Don't leave me out in the rain Come back and bring back my smile Come and take these tears away I need your arms to hold me now The nights are so unkind Bring back those nights when I held you beside me Un-break my heart Say you'll love me again Undo this hurt you caused When you walked out the door nd walked out.. 2015. 3. 11.
Making_Love_Out_Of_Nothing_At_All/AIR_SUPPLY Making love out of nothing at all - Air Supply I know just how to whisper And I know just how to cry I know just where to find the answers And I know just how to lie I know just how to fake it And I know just how to scheme I know just when to face the truth And then I know just when to dream 어떻게 속삭이는지, 어떻게 울어야 할지 알아요 어디서 대답을 .. 2015. 3. 11.
Evergreen/ Susan Jacks Evergreen - Susan Jacks Sometimes love would bloom in the spring time 때로는 봄이면 사랑이 움트기도 합니다 Then my flowers in summer it will grow 그리고 여름이면 내 사랑의 꽃이 자라나죠 Then fade away in the winter 그리고 추운 겨울이 다가와 When the cold wind begins to blow 차가운 바람이 불기 시작하면 그 꽃은 시들어.. 2015. 3. 11.
Love of my life/Queen Love of my life/Queen Love of my life, you've hurt me You've broken my heart And now you leave me 내 인생의 사랑, 내게 상처를 주는군요 저에게 상심만 안겨주고 이젠 당신은 날 떠나가나요 Love of my life, can't you see Bring it back bring it back Don't take it away from me Because you don't know what it means to me 내 평생의 사랑, 당신.. 2015. 3. 11.
Sorry I m A Lady/Baccara Sorry I m A Lady/Baccara Sorry i'm a lady Ooh here comes that man again Something in the way he moves makes me sorry I'm a lady 어머나, 저 남자 다시 이쪽으로 오잖아 그를 저렇게 움직이는 무언가가 나를 무안하게 만들어 난 숙녀인데 Hello stranger, you're a danger To the law and over here They don't like men like you in our city 안녕 낯.. 2015. 3. 11.
In The Arms Of The Angel /Sarah_McLachlan In The Arms Of The Angel /Sarah_McLachlan Spend all your time waiting for that second chance 또 한 번의 기회를 위해 기다리며 시간을 보내죠 for a break that would it okay 괜찮아질 수 있는 그 돌파구를 찾으며 There's always some reason to feel not good enough 충분하지 못하다고 느끼는 데는 항상 어떤 이유가 있어요 and it's ha.. 2015. 3. 11.
Lady_Gaga_-_The_Sound_of_Music The_Sound_of_Music_Tribute_at_Oscars_2015/Lady_Gaga 2015. 3. 11.
why do fools fall in love/DIANA ROSS why do fools fall in love/DIANA ROSS Ooh-wah ooh-wah, ooh-wah ooh-wah, Ooh-wah ooh-wah, why do fools fall in love Why do birds sing so gay, and lovers await the break of day Why do they fall in love Why does the rain fall from up above Why do fools fall in love, why do they fall in love Love is a losing game, love can be a shame I know of a fool you see, for that fool is me Te.. 2015. 3. 11.
The Parting Glass/Ed Sheeran The Parting Glass/Ed Sheeran Of all the money that e'er I had I've spent it in good company And all the harm that e'er I've done Alas it was to none but me And all I've done for want of wit To memory now I can't recall So fill to me the parting glass Good night and joy be with you all Of all the comrades that ever I had They are sorry for my going away And all the sweethearts .. 2015. 3. 11.
The Rose/Bette_Midler -79년_The_Rose 주제곡. The Rose/Bette Midler Some say love, it is a river 어떤 사람들은 사랑이 강이라고 하지 that drowns the tender reed 마치 연약한 갈대를 꺾어버리는 Some say love it is a razor 어떤 사람들은 사랑이 면도날이라 하지 that leaves your soul to bleed 마치 영원히 피 흘리도록 내버려두는 Some say love it is a hunger 어떤 사람들.. 2015. 3. 10.
Foolish Games / Jewel Foolish Games / Jewel You took your coat off 당신은 코트를 벗어버리고 And stood in the rain 빗속에 서 있었지 You were always crazy like that 당신은 언제나 그렇게 광적이었어요 And I watched from my window, 내가 창가에서 바라볼 때면 Always felt that I was outside Looking in on you 언제나 내가 바깥에 서서 창문 안의 당신.. 2015. 3. 10.